Tuesday 28 February 2012

Shifts in Emotion

                 The shrill sound of the bell invited all the new students of the high school for their first class of the year. The shuffling of all kinds of shoes buzzed and brought a weird symphony of calmness upon her. Emily waited for her new classmates to take their seats and then sought out the last one. She didn’t mind being watched but wasn’t keen on being seen either. Great… Another year at another school, another town. She had grown used to the procedure now; her mother would shift from town to town and they’d set up their proof of existence again only to sell it out at another garage sale. She shifted her steady gaze around class; everyone seemed comfortable except her and another guy whom she recognized to be her new neighbor.
                During orientation class the two girls sitting to her right started murmuring. At first she assumed it was about the new kid, herself and then followed their giggles and flirty glances to the guy in front of all three of them. She sighed and looked straight ahead. Not meaning to eavesdrop, she still made out a vague conversation.
“Looks like Parker didn’t get into the finishing school after all”
“Well it’s a good thing he ended up right here in to our class, come on lets pull his leg for a bit”
That was followed by a poor piece of paper being crushed and thrown at him. He turned, and gave a small smile at the girls and turned back.
“We need a bait” she heard them say as she hid her eyes under her fringe. What she didn’t want happened as they turned their glances to her. Luckily the bell rang and she snatched her books off the table and made way to the lockers.
                It looked like they were persistent about their bait as they tackled her at the cafeteria later that same day. Emily kept reading the book in front of her as she asked
“What do you two want?”
They eyed her untouched plate and then her eyes behind black rimmed glasses scan the page in front of her.
“Look her newbie, it’s not a smart move to act cool on the first day of school and that too when you’re new to town. I’m Christi and this is Jane” Emily plainly slurped her juice out the carton as they introduced themselves.
“As you can see, we’re the eyes and ears of this place which means we know everything about you. Everything” the direction where the conversation was going made her grin a bit. The popular girls always seem to advertise their popularity with an attitude which only they believed in…and their clothes she thought.
“Do you research every living walking thing that crosses you?” asked Emily looking over her book expressionless.
“Living or dead we don’t care. Look we know enough to know where you live. So scamper off like a good little girl and pass these chits over to…”
Emily cut them off as she completed their sentence
“Parker Hudson… the guy whom you both are…Gross” For whatever reason that only god knows, they seemed impressed with her and uttered another classic dialogue.
“Do this and consider yourself one of us.” said Jane flipping her hair.
“I think I’ll pass” she whispered as they walked away.
                She followed Parker from a safe distance as he walked through their common deserted drive, earphones plugged in. She liked the Hudsons. They were a nice family and she liked Parker as well, but not as much as Christi and Jane did. He had a variety of instruments in his room which was easily seen from hers.  But she liked being with those souls that weren’t running behind the typical lifestyle… she needed something unique and special. Suddenly a young boy came up to him and Parker froze. Emily quickly leaned against a tree just in time as he turned and checked if anyone was watching. Then he turned back to the boy and started conversing to him.
“No way” gasped Emily as he watched him read the lips and answer back with his hands.
“Parker can’t speak??” Now that was something unique and special she thought as her lips curled into a smile.                    

                                The shifts in Emily's emotion will continue on Thrusday!!!
Click to read the next part of Shift in Emotions

1 comment:

  1. Good start and interesting. waiting to read the next post on this.
